Ko Dan Ja Rank Certifications
Advanced (4th Dan and up) Moo Duk Kwan® Dan rank certifications are very highly regarded credentials with a reputation spanning the globe since 1945.
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Brand: Moo Duk Kwan
By: USA FederationView Details
Ko Dan Ja Rank CertificationsKo Dan Ja Rank Certification
Only members notified of Time-eligibility with current Membership $0.00 plus recommendations from personal Instructor, Regional Examiners and TAC Members Complete The QuestionnaireKo Dan Ja Rank Certification
Members who are time eligible for advanced Ko Dan Ja Ranks are notified once each year to complete a questionnaire indicating their plans for testing if they are invited.
Instructors, Regional Officials and Technical Advisory Committee members review all time-eligible members who have expressed plans to test if invited.
Members who receive recommendations from all officials are invited to participate in an annual Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
Afterwards, Technical Advisory Committee Members submit Ko Dan Ja rank recommendations to Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang through National Member Headquarters.
Successful candidates are notified of their results and Official Moo Duk Kwan® Ko Dan Ja rank certificates are issued for recommendations approved by the Kwan Jang Nim.
Only members notified of Time-eligibility with current Membership $0.00 plus recommendations from personal Instructor, Regional Examiners and TAC Members