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This section of the School Owner Portal is for submitting proposals or questions in order to receive responses from fellow school owners and/or to receive comments and suggestions about your proposal so you can evaluate interest in your idea.

You can vote on the answers and proposals or questions submitted by others. The best of the best will rise in ranking due to more positive votes while others may not. 

After clicking a topic title you will have these  options. 

Technical Questions, Policy Questions, etc. that require a definitive answer should NOT be posted here. Those questions should be submitted here.  Definitive, official answers are provided there.

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Online Group Gup Test Submission By Spreadsheet
AnsweredSoo Bahk Do Biz answered 1 year ago • 
99 views1 answers2 votes
Online Gup Test Form Auto populate recommended rank
OpenAdmin USA asked 1 year ago • 
79 views0 answers0 votes
How will I know I someone has answered my question?
OpenAdmin USA asked 1 year ago • 
81 views0 answers0 votes
How do I answer a question that someone else has asked?
OpenAdmin USA asked 1 year ago • 
90 views0 answers0 votes