After a student has completed study kit contents, apprenticeship training, and fulfilled the time requirement, then Kyo Certification exams are conducted at the Regional level by TAC Appointed Regional Examiners.
They submit exam results and their recommendation to the TAC via National Member Headquarters and the TAC submits approved recommendations to the Kwan Jang Nim for his approval and issuance of Jo Kyo certification.
Officially issued credentials are delivered to the applicant's recommending instructor for ceremonial presentation.
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Members in good standing who have earned the HONORARY title of Kyo Bom may convert it to CERTIFIED Instructor status and receive a Kyo Bom Certificate, rocker tabs and official documentation of certification on their permanent member record by:
Activating a Background Check and Continuing Education Subscription on the Soo Bahk Do Institute
Acquiring a Kyo Bom Instructor Certification Accreditation Kit
Upon processing,
your salutation will be officially updated from HONORARY to CERTIFIED in the member database
you will receive documentation of your Kyo Bom certification on your permanent member record
you will receive an official Kyo Bom Instructor Certificate from World Moo Duk Kwan
you will receive two Kyo Bom rocker tabs for display on your uniform
Any rank student can acquire a Kyo Bom Instructor Certification Study Kit at any time.
All students who are NOT Kyo Sa Certified and who are planning to apply for Ko Dan Ja rank in the future are required to download and complete the Kyo Bom Certification Study Kit, apprenticeship and all other requirements at least one year in advance of a targeted Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa.
3rd Dan KDJSS candidates, 4th Dan and up students who are age 21 up and who are NOT Kyo Sa Certified are eligible to test for Kyo Bom.
There is no fee as of 2023 to download the electronic version of the Kyo Bom Instructor Certification Study Kit.
A download link will be sent to you upon checkout ($0)
Members in good standing who have earned the HONORARY title of Bu Sa Bom may convert it to CERTIFIED Instructor status and receive a Bu Sa Bom Certificate, rocker tabs and official documentation of certification on their permanent member record by:
Activating a Background Check and Continuing Education Subscription on the Soo Bahk Do Institute
Acquiring a Bu Sa Bom Instructor Certification Accreditation Kit
Upon processing,
your salutation will be officially updated from HONORARY to CERTIFIED Instructor in the member database
you will receive documentation of your Bu Sa Bom certification on your permanent member record
you will receive an official Bu Sa Bom Instructor Certificate from World Moo Duk Kwan
you will receive two Bu Sa Bom rocker tabs for display on your uniform
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