3rd Moo Duk Kwan® USA
Virtual Competition
Prerecorded Uploads Close Midnight Sept 30, 2022
Live Competition Via Zoom October 1, 2022

Registration For Prerecorded Uploads and Live Competition Via Zoom Now Open
Prerecorded competition is fun and easy to do on your own schedule. Competitors can practice and upload their best performance at any time until uploads close. If a better performance is recorded later on after a video has already been uploaded, then competitors may edit their entry and replace the existing video with the better version.
Medals for winners and participation awards are shipped to your instructor for presentation.
Competitors may register and remit entry fees early to secure an entry spot or remit fees at the same time as uploading competition videos. Submitted entries can be edited until the closing date.
Live competition via Zoom is fun and easy to do.
When you enter the Live Competition Via Zoom, you will receive your ticket via email to enter the Live Zoom Session on October 1, 2022.
We have endeavored to make the Prerecorded Competition Registration and video upload process as easy as possible. Should you have questions or require support click the help button for prompt assistance.
When you click the button to register for prerecorded competition, the registration wizard will be interacting with the Soo Bahk Do® Institute without requiring you to leave this page. The wizard will guide you to log into the Soo Bahk Do® Institute using your existing account credentials or you can create a new account. Help is available if you get stuck, lost, confused, etc.
We really appreciate your participation in this unique and exciting event.
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