1st Moo Duk Kwan® USA
Virtual Competition

Registration For This Event Has Closed
Replacement Videos Can be Uploaded If An Official Has Requested You Do So
Judging is underway and you can monitor results on the results page.
When you click the blue register button below, the registration wizard will be interacting with the Soo Bahk Do® Institute without requiring you to leave this page. The wizard will guide you to log into the Soo Bahk Do® Institute using your existing account credentials or you can create a new account. Help is available if you get stuck, lost, confused, etc.
Very excited to participate in the event!! Thank you.

This whole virtual thing has made it possible for me to participate in a national and International event that I have not been able to be a part of before due to the travel required.

It is exciting to be one of the first students to participate in the 1st Moo Duk Kwan USA Virtual Competition. I can't want to see how it goes!

Need Help?
We have endeavored to make this registration and video upload process as easy as possible. We really appreciate your participation in this new and exciting event. Should you have questions or require support click the help button for prompt assistance.